Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Gotta Have It book trailer and book!

Wow, what a privilege to be a part of Rachel Kramer Bussel's new anthology with Cleis! A particularly exciting week: I got to be in the fantastic book trailer which came out Monday, and yesterday I ran into the house with two packages--one for me and one for Jeremy--holding the actual book. It's a wonderful shape and size. My first time between book covers. I'm still flying high!

So cool to share the screen not only with Jeremy and Rachel, but also friends like Donna, Emerald, and Shanna!


Shanna Germain said...

Congrats!!! Such a great first!

Jeremy Edwards said...

I'm so, so proud of you!!

(Hey, we should swap books for Valentine's Day!)

Craig Sorensen said...

Excellent! Great job on the trailer.

I look forward to reading your story!

Erobintica said...

This is the first time I've watched the trailer - can't wait to read it (literally - I'm sitting down with it tonight). And this trailer is so much fun seeing and hearing some of my favorites read their words!

Congrats all!

Emerald said...

Right back at you, Helia—I'm so delighted to be in both the book and the trailer with you!!


Susana said...

Great trailer. Jeremy, Helia, how about a first at the Erotic Literary Salon - husband and wife featured readers? Email me, we should talk. Congratulations!

Erotic Books said...

Congratulations to both of you! I remember seeing something I wrote in my college's magazine, and that was really exciting... this is a much bigger deal so it must be incredibly exciting!